Emergency Preparedness Workshops – June

June 5, 2024

Emergencies can happen at any time and with our increasing reliance on digital technologies interruptions in service can present additional challenges.

This workshop will guide participants through planning for an emergency:

  • what information do you need to have written down
  • what supplies are essential for an emergency kit
  • how would you meet your unique needs as a person with a disability

Participants will also receive an emergency kit which includes:

  • four days of storable food and water (MRE style)
  • first aid kit
  • hygiene kit

Workshops will be held at AdLib and via Zoom:

  • June 12th 1:30pm at AdLib
  • June 21st 11am at AdLib—ASL interpretation provided
  • June 12th 11am via Zoom
  • June 24th 1:30pm via Zoom—ASL interpretation provided

Registration is required. Please register via this link: https://forms.gle/rUC1Jcd2xGPTFwZS6 or by calling the AdLib office.

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